bookish musings, discussions and Reviews

 by Laura berry

How I read 50+ books a year

Everyone is a little different. Some people are just really fast readers. Some people have more free time than you - like WAY more. Some people don't watch television (gasp!). But some people are just like you and me - normal...ish. So you might wonder how I read so many books in a year?

Well - I juggle :)

I am always reading one book and listening to an audiobook. And usually, I'm also reading a book on my kindle/iphone. A lot of people ask how I keep them all straight - or 'how the hell do you do that?' Well it's not always easy! But I've learned what works best for me. There have been times where I was reading over FIVE books at once - but inevitably one or two books would always fall to the wayside as I'd get swept up in the more interesting or fast-paced read. I've determined that 2-3 is the safest bet for me. I'm able to give my books more focus that way and therefore - more enjoyment!

Another thing I do to keep three books at a time straight in my head - is I make sure I'm always reading different genres. If my physical book is a sweeping fantasy or sci-fi tale - my audiobook has to be a celebrity memoir or maybe a mystery - and my ebook has to be a YA contemporary or a historical romance.

I almost always follow this alternating genre plan throughout the year and it usually saves me from getting burnt out or stuck in a slump. If I ever do get in a slump - which occasionally happens after a REALLY good book - I don't sit around and pick up countless books that I know I won't read - I go straight to a favorite. I am a huge believer in rereading! I always have heaps of books I want to reread; but if I'm in a slump, I'll pick up my favorites.

Books I can always count on to get me out of a slump:
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
Song of the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce
The Immortals Quartet by Tamora Pierce
Path of Fate by Diana Pharoah Francis
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Audiobooks I can always count on:
Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater


But also... none of that matters if you don't read regularly! If reading is important to you - you'll make time. If it's something you wish to do more of, then just keep these things in mind: alternate genres and try and make time to read at least once a week, if not several times a day ;)



New YA debuts in 2052

How do you choose what book to read next?